Dear Robin Hood Tax Campaign Supporter:
At the heart of the Robin Hood Tax Campaign is the simple idea that we should – and can – fully fund human needs through a tiny tax on the Wall Street speculators that have taken so much from this country and the world. And the Robin Hood Tax has served as the sensible alternative to savage austerity measures implemented in the U.S. and globally. In the midst of the current Ebola outbreak, we see the results of austerity: CDC and NIH budget cuts and a decimated public health system – with similar attacks on public health systems happening in Africa and around the world. Add a voraciously profit-driven private healthcare industry into the equation and we end up with a total lack of preparedness, the public at risk, and Ebola-infected nurses in the U.S. And slashed international development and health investment leading to thousands dying and facing death in West Africa. SIGN THE PETITION TELLING PRESIDENT OBAMA TO INVOKE HIS EXECUTIVE AUTHORITY TO FORCE THE HEALTHCARE INDUSTRY TO FULLY PROTECT FRONTLINE HEALTHCARE WORKERS AND PATIENTSWe also see austerity continue to cause unnecessary misery for the people of Detroit. Speculators, predatory lenders, deregulation and a far-right-wing Michigan governor forced the city into bankruptcy and “emergency management” and now the people of Detroit are suffering inhumane household water shut-offs – if the family is even a small amount behind on utility bills. All in the name of austerity. Water for sanitation is the most basic protection against the spread on illness. That point was driven home in the wake of a Detroit toddler dying last week from the deadly Enterovirus D68. So callous are the water shutoffs, that international representatives from the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights spent this past weekend in Detroit to investigate human rights violations. See a news report and video on UN representatives investigating mass water shutoffs in Detroit Al Jazeera America: Youtube:
Thank you, The Robin Hood Tax Campaign |